Selected Projects

Gemcrush game

This is a course project written in Java. I formed a group of two to write this classical game. The rule of Gemcrush is that for each turn, player switches the location of adjacent two gems , and whenever three or more gems are aligned, they will be canceled. Within the limited time, the more gems canceled, the higher the score.

In my project, the classical game Gemcrush was implemented, and two innovative version was provided as well. The first version was that whenever three frogs are aligned, the remaining time will decrease(a kind of punishment), the second version is played by dragging one gem, and the gems on its trace will change the location with it automatically. The canceling scheme will be conducted at the end of each turn.

It was also imported on Android platform. Our project got the highest mark in that course. Check it out Here in my Github.

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Forest Note Application

This is a project written in Processing. The aim of this project was to build something beautiful and innovative, so I built a relaxing forest note. In the project, the opening animation is to plant a seed into the ground, and a tree will grow up. Every note is recorded on the leaves of the tree, and users can click the leave to create a new note or browse an existing note. It also provides novel reminding method. Whenever the clock set in the note ends, the tree will shake its leaves. Ideally, this project should be put on the wallpaper engine of phone or computer, so maybe I will implement it next time;). Check it out Here in my Github.

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ACM Training Codes

In an ACM-ICPC training course, nearly 50 algorithm problems were solved. Some of them are only available on CityUOJ(Online judge of my home univeristy) while some are not. I organized them according to the problem types. I may also upload other solutions to algorithm problems in this repository. Check it out Here in my Github.

Portrait Painting

This is another project written in Processing. The goal was to display the portrait innovatively. So I tried to add some interaction with human. Whenever the user selects the picture and clicks the screen, the portrait will be painted gradually. I implemented it by extracting the pixels from the portrait and creating chaos brushes to fill out them. The animation is shown below.

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